It is advised that readers check for the most current version. However, the one below is “in-date” as of Oct 2024.
From NHSE Guidance: Bowel cancer screening: guidelines for CTC imaging (Updated 04 October 2024)
Buscopan (dose), IV Contrast, Single/Dual/Triple position with gastrograffin/Omnipaque tagging(dose)
Good/Adequate/poor bowel preparation and distension
Summary codes
E1 Normal, anatomic or post surgical variant
E2 Incidental, unimportant /already known
E3 New incompletely characterized finding, (further investigation according to local protocol)
E4 Potentially important new finding, requires further action
E5 Significant new finding identified
Minimally elevated<3mm
Saddle shaped
Pedunculated (Ip) Stalk between polyp and underlying mucosa
Semi-pedunculated (Isp) Broad-based, base narrower than top but no stalk
Sessile (Is) No stalk - base & top of lesion have same diameter. Height at least 2.5 mm
Flat: slightly elevated (IIa) Height less than 2.5mm
Flat: slightly elevated with depressed centre (IIa/c) Height less than 2.5mm
Cx Inadequate study
C1 Normal, benign lesion or 1 to 2 polyps less than or equal to 5mm
C2 1 to 2 polyps, 6 to 9mm
C3a 3 to 4 polyps, 1 to 9mm
C3b 1 to 2 polyps, at least one polyp greater than or equal to 10mm
C3c Indeterminate stricture
C4a 5 or more polyps, smaller than 10mm
C4b 3 or more polyps, at least one polyp greater than or equal to 10mm
C5a Colon mass, characteristic of malignancy
C5b No tumour additional to colonoscopy findings