Mentoring Programme

BSGAR Mentoring Scheme: Current cycle 2024-2025

  • MENTORS - WE WANT YOU! (24-25 cycle). Please click here to apply.
  • DO YOU WANT TO BE A MENTEE?? We will shortly be promoting the next opportunity (24-25 cycle)

If you would like to log your interest and be notified of when the next round opens please email [email protected].  Thank you.

BSGAR is pleased to announce its mentoring program continues to be successful and will continue the programme into 2024/5.  It will be run with the help of Academy of Medical Sciences (AoMS) - to view AMS mentor/mentee resources please click here. The aim of this program is to provide a platform for junior BSGAR members / early career consultants for career and developmental support, by pairing them with a senior BSGAR member. BSGAR particularly encourages mentor and mentee applications from women and people from under-represented groups. 

Eligibility for Mentee application

Eligibility includes UK Junior BSGAR members and UK full members who have had 5 years minimal experience as a Radiology Consultant.  However, we are also open to all interested UK member applicants who have had varying and diverse experiences and backgrounds who could benefit from this programme.


BSGAR has adopted the AoMS “light touch” approach to mentoring – encouraging the developmental mentoring style, using the “OSCAR” model (information will be provided). Mentor-Mentees could expect to meet once or twice a year. We anticipate the mentoring period to last about a year, but individual pairings may decide to extend beyond this, meeting more or less frequently.

Mentors can decide on how many mentees they support. Training and resource for both mentors and mentees will be available to ensure a successful mentorship experience. BSGAR will adopt a “no blame divorce” principle – if the relationship is not working for either party, we will be happy to re-match the mentee. Mentors will be gratefully acknowledged by the BSGAR at the AGM annually.

Reasons to mentor
We are certain many of you will enthusiastically sign up to be mentors to our most junior members. For those who need a little more encouragement, here are a few reasons to mentor:
1.    You are supporting a future leader
2.    Those who mentor leaves a legacy
3.    You build networks and become part of the mentoring community
4.    You gain insights into the experiences and issues facing young radiologists today
5.    Mentoring gives you opportunities for self-reflection
6.    You are encouraged to practise solutions-based thinking
7.    You develop your communication and coaching skills

BSGAR Mentoring Scheme - Stages
1.    Call for Mentors.
2.    Call for Mentees.
3.    Pairing process.
4.    Matched Mentor-Mentee notified.
5.    Mentoring Training (virtual) for both mentees and mentors; 6 month meet-up at BSGAR annual meeting.
6.    Evaluation at the end of 12 months.

Resources  To view a mentoring resources pack from the Academy of Medical Sciences please click here.

Training  Training (virtual) will take place for matched mentors/mentees in Oct/Nov - date to be confirmed.

(A recording of the Mentoring training is available for matched mentors and mentees only.  Please click here to view.)

BSGAR is grateful to the senior members who have signed up to the Mentoring Scheme as a mentor. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about this programme.  Thank you and good luck!  

Best wishes
Dr Sumita Chawla (BSGAR Standards Officer)
Dr Sananda Haldar (BSGAR Membership and Diversity subcommitee member)
Dr Tara Al-Rubyee and Dr Miraen Kiandee (BSGAR Junior Reps)
[email protected]; [email protected]

Here are some FAQs....

Mentor Question: Can you confirm what BSGAR expectations are as to next steps beyond the need to attend training?

BSGAR Answer: It’s a year long program in so far as administratively we run it once a year.

By default mentor and mentor are also paired for a year.

The training session helps frame the experience - and heavily emphasises the importance of managing, and being clear about, expectations bilaterally right from the start. This includes the number of times people are able meet and what the aim/objectives are.

Fundamentally - Bsgar has no expectations of our mentors per se beyond at least 1 meeting. How much time the mentor can offer to their mentee / how often they meet is entirely at the mentors’ discretion.

It is also important to add that if the relationship does not work out for whatever reason on your end - please let us know. We, as does AoMS, subscribe to the “no fault divorce” policy and will re-allocate the Mentee with someone else if they wish to continue with the year."


Mentor Question. What do you do if as a mentor you feel out of your depth/concerned about mentee/not sure how to help if the mentee is very upset?

Mentor Trainer Answer. If you feel that the conversation is straying into an area you feel unqualified or uncomfortable to deal with here is a suggestion of what to say:

"We seem to be dealing with a topic/issue that is outside the usual boundary of a mentoring relationship. I’d like to help sign post you in the right direction. We have some resources here XXX. Is there any support you can access from you network about this?"

And sometimes it is better to pause the mentoring until the issue is tackled in the correct arena - eg counselling.


© Copyright 2025 BSGAR
Registered Charity Number: 1208678
Registered Address: The British Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology,
The Royal College of Radiologists, 63 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3JW