BSGAR Twitter Policy

This policy intends to set out the rules and guidance for BSGAR members responsible for posting on the main BSGAR and Junior BSGAR twitter accounts.


1.    To provide updates relevant news related to BSGAR activities and to aim to keep members and followers updated with key guideline changes and developments in GI radiology and other related specialities by retweeting and tweeting regularly.
2.    Promoting BSGAR junior activities which include but are not limited to: BSGAR membership, virtual education, gastrointestinal/hepatobiliary education, events and publications relevant to Junior radiologists.
3.    To use the platform to support and promote members peer reviewed work and help promote academic and radiological projects run in association with accredited institutions.  
4.    Users should be respectful at all times. Language must be always professional. Offensive, discriminatory or abusive language should never be used.
5.    You must not have a history of repeatedly violating the Twitter User Agreement.
6.    Only accounts potentially relevant to BSGAR should be followed.
7.    Spam/inappropriate followers should be blocked as part of the regular maintenance of the account.
8.    Confidential information should never be revealed, particularly related to individual patients.  
9.    The account should not be used for personal profit or gain.
10.    The users must avoid bringing BSGAR into disrepute and should avoid overt political opinions and criticism or opposition to groups including but not limited to
           a.    RCR
           b.    other SIGS
           c.    other professional / commercial groups


We will monitor and update our Twitter account regularly, aiming for weekly postings on the account to keep it active and visible. Responses to direct tweets and direct messages will be responded to more promptly where possible.


BSGAR junior’s decision to follow a particular Twitter user or page does not imply endorsement of any kind. Followers will not be automatically  followed by the BSGAR accounts.

How to shorten URL:
Paste the long URL into and it will be shortened

If there is a contravention of the above guidance, the BSGAR President and committee will discuss this with the current twitter account guardian and re-review the policy and their access to the account.

Please click here to view signed pdf of BSGAR Twitter policy.

© Copyright 2025 BSGAR
Registered Charity Number: 1208678
Registered Address: The British Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology,
The Royal College of Radiologists, 63 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3JW