Register to become a Member

Full membership is open, by application to the executive committee to all practising or retired radiologists in the UK who have a special interest in Gastrointestinal and Abdominal radiology. Junior membership is open to specialist registrars training in the UK, interested in GI radiology. All full and junior members have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting. The yearly membership fee is £50 to help cover administrative expenses. Members are eligible for reduced registration fees at the BSGAR Annual Meeting.

Associate membership is open, by application to the executive committee to any radiographer with a significant role in GI and Abdominal Radiography who wishes to take an interest in the group’s activities. Associate members do not have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting but have full access to all members’ only sections of the BSGAR website. The yearly membership fee is £25 to help cover administrative expenses.

Overseas membership and overseas associate membership are open, by application, to the executive committee. Overseas membership is open to practising or retired radiologists whose practice is based outside the United Kingdom and who have a special interest in GI Radiology. Overseas associate membership is open to nurses and specialist radiographic practitioners whose practice is based outside the United Kingdom and who spend the majority of their time in abdominal or GI radiology. The yearly membership fee covers administrative expenses and will be determined in proportion to relative earnings in the applicant’s country (£2-£25). Overseas members do not have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting nor access to the membership forum or database.

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Clinical Directors Details

Head of Department

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Contact Preferences

Specific Areas of Interest
Please tick any areas in which you are actively involved:

Main Areas Of Activity
Please list areas of specific research interest or expertise. These may be used if SIGGAR is searching for an expert in a particular area to offer an opinion on that subject. Please limit answers to no more than 6 areas.

Data Protection

No personal details will be divulged for commercial purposes. Occasionally BSGAR may wish to use your name and contact details for a variety of purposes. Please tick the boxes at the end of each paragraph as appropriate to say if you agree to these uses or not. Your co-operation is important for the group. Wherever possible, mailing will be via the committee rather than disseminating the membership list to other persons. View our Privacy Notice

Internal Research and Audit Purposes - If a request is received from a member for access to the mailing list to perform a study, the protocol for which it has been requested will be submitted for review by the audit/research representative and ratified by the committee.

Enquiries for Personal Expertise - If a request is received for the names and contact details of individuals with specific expertise in a given area from a professional colleague or health care related organisation, which has been approved by a quorum of the committee.

External Research and Audit Purposes - if a request is received from an individual or a professional body for access to the mailing list to perform a study, the protocol for which it has been has been requested will be submitted to the audit/research representative and approved by the committee.

No personal details will be divulged for commercial purposes. View our Privacy Notice

Membership Application Form

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© Copyright 2024 BSGAR
Registered Charity Number: 1208678
Registered Address: The British Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology,
The Royal College of Radiologists, 63 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3JW