Register to Become A Member

Applying for Membership

Applications for membership and payment of membership fees may be undertaken via the online registration facility below. Alternatively please download and complete the membership form and return it to the BSGAR Administrator, Liz Jones, at the address or email below.  If you select not to pay online you can pay be cheque, BACS transfer or set up a standing order.

BSGAR Administrator
7 Park Way

e-mail: [email protected]

The following types of Membership to the British Society of GI and Abdominal Radiology are available:

Full Membership and Junior Membership

Full membership is open, by application to the executive committee, to all consultant radiologists, non-consultant career grade radiologists and other consultants in allied specialities practicing in the United Kingdom who have a professed interest and practice in any aspect of abdominal or GI radiology.

Junior membership is open to junior doctors and undergraduate medical students who have an interest in practising abdominal or GI radiology and are based in the United Kingdom.

All full and junior members have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting. The yearly membership fee is £50 to help cover administrative expenses. Members are eligible for reduced registration fees at the BSGAR Annual Meeting.

Associate Membership

Associate membership is open, by application to the executive committee to any radiographer with a significant role in GI and Abdominal Radiography who wishes to take an interest in the group's activities. Associate members do not have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting but have full access to all members' only sections of the BSGAR website. We do wish to have active communications with all our professional colleagues, and encourage interaction in support of the Society's interests and the activities of its' full and junior members.  The yearly membership fee is £25 to help cover administrative expenses.

Honorary Membership

Honorary membership may be awarded to BSGAR full members who are considered to have made an exceptional contribution to clinical services, research or education in gastrointestinal radiology and a significant contribution to BSGAR. Individual members can submit suggestions for honorary membership by way of a letter of proposal to the President.  The BSGAR committee will consider any proposal, and support for the individual will require a majority vote. 

Overseas Membership

Overseas membership and overseas associate membership are open, by application, to the executive committee.  Overseas membership is open to practising or retired radiologists whose practice is based outside the United Kingdom and who have a special interest in GI Radiology.  Overseas associate membership is open to nurses and specialist radiographic practitioners whose practice is based outside the United Kingdom and who spend the majority of their time in abdominal or GI radiology.

Overseas members have access to all educational material on the website but do not have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting nor access to the membership forum or database.  There is a yearly membership fee to cover administrative expenses.  The annual fee ranges from £1-£25 and will be determined in proportion to relative earnings in the applicant’s country.


Membership Application Form

Download Application

© Copyright 2025 BSGAR
Registered Charity Number: 1208678
Registered Address: The British Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology,
The Royal College of Radiologists, 63 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3JW