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Opportunity to undergo free online CTC interpretation training and to take part in a research study

PERFECTS-2 (PERFormance and Evaluation for CT colonography in Symptomatic patients: A comparison trial of reporting radiographers and subspeciality trainee radiologists undergoing a structured training programme) is a multi-arm comparison study which opened July 2023.  

We are looking for NHS trainee radiologists and radiographers who are intending to report CTC in daily practice (but not yet been formally trained to do for the interventional arm, and already trained and experienced CTC reporting consultant radiologists (> 300 CTC cases) for our control arm.

The purpose of the study is to assess the impact of an online CTC interpretation education module, with assessment and structured feedback, on CTC performance. The interventional arm training will take approx 40 hours and will be free of charge to anyone accepted on the research study.  The control arm will be tested, and then can access the training for free afterwards - expected input time 10 hours.

The main inclusion criteria for the radiologists in the intervention arm are:

  • Radiologists who are about to embark on or are undergoing their Gastrointestinal radiology specialist training  (Year 3,  4 or 5 of their Radiology training).  
  • Year 3 radiologists who have committed to subspecialty training in GI radiology in year 4 /5 are eligible.  
  • Emphasis will be placed on recruiting radiologists with independent reporting of  <40 CTC examinations*.  
  • Completed NCTCTAP Module A – Technique unit – this can be undertaken pre Module B training if not done prior to recruitment.
  • Must have access to a local CTC reporting mentor (existing CTC reporter**)

*Priority will be given to recruitment of radiologists  fulfilling this criteria. If required recruitment numbers are not reached, recruit will be based on those who are closest to this number in experience. **As defined by the NCTCTAP training programme

For the control arm

  • NHS UK Consultants or non-consultant grade radiologists who are independently reporting CTC in their current clinical practice.  
  • Compliant with BSGAR-RCR Standards of Practice for CTC Guidelines:  
    • Minimum standard for training: supervised interpretation of >175 validated cases.  
    • Minimum standard for workload: >100 cases interpreted per annum (rolling average over three years)

For more information on the study and how to register an expression of interest please visit: NCTCTAP website or email: [email protected]

© Copyright 2024 BSGAR
Registered Charity Number: 1208678
Registered Address: The British Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology,
The Royal College of Radiologists, 63 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3JW