UKRC 2017

Event Date 12th to 14th Jun 2017

"Multi-media technologies and powerful computer interactions have transformed how we undertake everyday tasks. We readily adopt new technologies and app’s to enhance our life experiences. We even accept recommendations on new books, meal ideas or products from websites that are able to learn our consumer preferences from our online activity. So how have these technological advancements been adopted within diagnostic imaging and radiation oncology? Have we embraced digital technologies and media to streamline our work practices and optimise the patient experience? Or are we trying to retain traditional diagnostic and therapeutic work patterns, battling against technology rather than engaging with it? Are we flexible and agile in our roles, work routines and practices to ensure we don’t undermine the positive potential of technology? Have we achieved service efficiencies because of, or despite, new technologies? Has computerisation become a barrier to personalised healthcare and patient centeredness, or is it a facilitator?

In 2017, UKRC and UKRO the underpinning theme will be new technologies and techniques. It will build on the excellent integrated programme offered in 2016 and, with an extensive industry exhibition and exciting, clinically focussed scientific programme with expert UK and international speakers, this congress is one not to be missed. So why not make 2017 the year you embrace all that UKRC and UKRO have to offer and join colleagues from across imaging disciplines for what we know will be a superb multidisciplinary congress.

Come join us in Manchester and be part of something special. We look forward to meeting you there."

For further information and booking form please click here.

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Registered Charity Number: 1208678
Registered Address: The British Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology,
The Royal College of Radiologists, 63 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3JW