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The Northern School of Colonography – Interpretation course for Radiologists

Event Date 16th to 18th Apr 2018

This course specifically to teach radiologists CT colonography technique and interpretation skills. We believe that well trained radiologists are essential to increase uptake of CT colonography by hospitals and to give credibility for a new service.  Our aim is to teach you a reproducible method for performing CT colonography that can be taken back to you base hospitals and to give you thorough training in interpretation to give you confidence when reporting cases in your clinical practice.

To allow this we provide theoretical talks underpinning comprehensive practical training in all aspects of the CT colonography examination and interpretation. We will also cover the clinical and financial principles required to set up a CTC service and provide background to understand the multidisciplinary and multimodality approach to the investigation and management of colorectal disease.

The faculty will mentor you during the course – they have a great deal of personal experience in reporting CT colonography, training radiographers in the technique and setting up large CTC services. 

To find out more and book your place please contact:

Sheila Boyes

St James’s University Hospital, Beckett Street, Leeds LS9 7TF UK.

Email: [email protected]

Tel: +44 (0) 113 2066986

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