The King's FRCR 2B Exam Revision Course

Event Date 28th to 29th Sep 2019

2B course is a long established course first held in 1992 to help radiology trainees succeed in the their efforts to pass the daunting final FRCR 2B examination. The course is deliberately set 2-3 weeks prior to the exam and is intended to provide a platform for revision and fine tuning the examination technique/timing for candidates sitting the exam. We believe most candidates have enough radiological knowledge to pass the exam, but are let down due to poor technique and timing. This intensive 2 day weekend course close to the exam helps candidates fine tune their examination skills. The course fee will be £575. The course number tis limited to 30 to maximise the focussed attention we can give to delegates. The 2 day weekend course is designed with the help of former FRCR examiners and Consultants interested in teaching and will include: Four viva sessions (2 hours each) Sessions are conducted with no more than three candidates and each candidate undergoes a one-to-one viva session with the tutor followed by individual feedback. Four practice examinations (1hr 15 mins viewing time + 45 mins tutor feedback) During this session the candidate will analyse rapid reporting and long cases. Following this, candidates have the opportunity to review the cases with the session tutor. At the end of each film viewing session, each candidate will also receive a copy of the proposed model answers for that session. We want to challenge the delegates and will have a wide selection of ‘gold medal’ and Aunt Minnie type cases to help you not only pass but excel in the exam. Refreshments and hot meals are provided to keep you going.

Please click here for further details about the programme and registration.

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Registered Charity Number: 1208678
Registered Address: The British Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology,
The Royal College of Radiologists, 63 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3JW