South West FRCR Courses - 2B viva course (India)

Event Date 12th Jun to 13th Jul 2019

The South West FRCR 2B Onsite Course is a Viva revision course for candidates sitting the 2B part of the FRCR examinations.

The South West FRCR 2B Onsite Course is a Viva revision course for candidates sitting the 2B part of the FRCR examinations and is one of the most popular courses for the FRCR in the UK. We are now bringing this course to India in the city of Kochi, Kerala . The course will be run on the same model as we have always run it and as our UK course is now considered one of the best in the UK, we are confident that the South West FRCR Kochi Course will be the best FRCR Course outside the UK. The Course will be hosted at the 5 star Courtyard by Marriott Hotel, Kochi Airport which is very close to the Kochi Airport. The focus on the 2-day course is on the viva component of the examination. On the course, candidates attend 4 sessions of vivas where they get to sit on the hot seat for 30 minutes with a pair of examiners, each examiner conducting a 15-minute viva. Each candidate session is followed by 10 minutes of feedback. In total each candidate will get examined by 8 different examiners. When you are not on the hot seat, you will have the opportunity to observe vivas of your fellow candidates. Many of our examiners have been helping with our course for many years and have been put through rigorous assessment and training on multiple occasions by an assessor (which includes former FRCR examiners). This means that the viva packets they use are of a similar standard to the FRCR examinations. Examiners are also assessed on the quality of their feedback and assessment. All our Examiners hold the FRCR and currently work or have worked in the NHS.

Please click here for further details about the programme and registration.

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