South Thames FRCR 2B Mock Exam Course

Event Date 16th to 16th Mar 2016

Based at Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital our one day FRCR mock exam course includes a full college format exam run-through. 

The day includes rapid reporting, long cases and two full sets of vivas. The vivas have two examiners and are performed with the candidate only.

The course is fully digital, using 24-inch high resolution screens and the latest Apple Macs running OsiriX. Tailored tutorials are also included. All of the written components are fully marked and individual viva feedback is given.

Our tutorials and feedback sessions are provided in a state of the art teaching suite, with the latest projecting equipment including interactive whiteboards.  

We have very limited availability, as this is a bespoke course and not a "conveyor belt" like many others.  This is in order to maintain the high-quality personalised experience and excellent feedback of the course.

Preference is given to those undertaking the exam at the next sitting. Please click here to obtain the application form and send to the email address provided.

For any queries relating to this event please contact:

Vicky Williams
Radiology Department, 2nd Floor Tower Wing
Guy's Hospital, Great Maze Pond
United Kingdom


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Registered Address: The British Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology,
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