FRCR Tutorials - FRCR 2B Master Course

Event Date 30th to 31st Mar 2016

This is a fully comprehensive 2 day FRCR 2B course simulating Real Examination conditions with 4 Reporting Tests (Rapid Reporting and Long Cases in tandem as it will be presented in the real exams) and 6 VIVAS over a period of 2 days.

There will be engaging and comprehensive review of Reporting Tests and individual feedback on VIVA performance. The faculty for the course is made up of Experienced Consultants from all over UK who are highly enthusiastic, motivated and committed to Radiology Education. We look forward to giving you an educational experience to remember and cherish running up to the examination.The course is aimed at being as CLOSE & REAL to the actual exam as possible and hence intentionally timed at being within the two weeks window. We anticipate candidates to be near-ready for the exams by this time. This course is intended to help you in testing yourself, fine-tune your skills and enhance your performance.  

You shall do the Reporting Tests at Wolfson Hall in Level -1 and VIVA practice at the VIVA cubicles in Level +1 of RCR. This will be your MOCK EXAMINATION and we believe that this will help you immensely in acclimatising yourself to the Exam Conditions, get over the nerves and appear for the exam being in a comfort zone with a sense of having been there and done this before.  

For further details, programme and registration please click here.

For any queries relating to this event please contact:

Dr Sameer Shamshuddin
FRCR Tutorials Ltd
49, Spruce Avenue
United Kingdom

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Registered Charity Number: 1208678
Registered Address: The British Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology,
The Royal College of Radiologists, 63 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3JW