East Midlands FRCR 2B Course

Event Date 9th to 10th Mar 2017

The East Midlands FRCR 2b course is held each March and September in Leicester, and has a highly successful history in preparing candidates for the rapid reporting, long case, and viva components of the FRCR 2b examination. The course was founded by Dr Ram Vaidhyanath and Dr Vimal Raj, with expert input from former College examiner Dr Richard Coulden.

We strive to match the exact format of the Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) examination in order for delegates to experience the pressure of performing in exam conditions. combined with non-threatening, constructive, and friendly feedback.

More recently we have been early adopters of OsiriX and Apple® technology and we are therefore experienced in delivering all components of the exam in a digital format. Delegates have ample opportunity to practice and undertake reporting on individual workstations as used in the RCR exam. Viva examinations are conducted with two examiners per delegate and time is provided for feedback after each session.

For further information and booking details please click here.

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