Digital Imaging 2018 Summit.

Event Date 16th to 16th Mar 2018

This one day conference will examine how to work with digital imaging, radiology information systems and PACS to deliver the national ambition of a paperless and filmless NHS, in order to improve imaging services and timeliness.

The conference will address national developments, and include new models of radiology care including an update from the radiology vanguard site which emphasizes a move towards a collaborative clinical network approach. It will focus on getting the most out of RIS and PACs through effective workflow and systems design, and how you can integrate them with other Trust systems and Electronic Patient Records. There will be a focus on improving the clinical end user experience, interoperability standards, sharing radiology images across organisations, information governance and the role of specialty systems. You can also hear about the role of information systems in moving towards a 7 day service and delivering real time bedside imaging to improve patient care.

Please click here for brochure.

BSGAR Members discount: 20% discount which can be claimed with code hcuk20bsgar

To book online please click here.

For any further queries please contact Judi Robinson [email protected]


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Registered Charity Number: 1208678
Registered Address: The British Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology,
The Royal College of Radiologists, 63 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3JW