CTC 3 day practical skills and reporting course

Event Date 16th to 18th Oct 2017

Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals NHS trust is inviting allied health professionals to a 3 day intensive CT Colonography course.

The course includes both the practical elements of CT Colonography and the new discipline of Radiographer reporting.

Peterborough has an established Radiographer CTC reporting service, (9 Years). We are ISAS accredited as an exemplary service, with comprehensive evidence of high levels of user and referrer satisfaction.
This course is aimed at all Radiographers and Junior Doctors with an interest in CT Colonography. It is helpful for both trained CT Radiographers and Radiographers transitioning from Fluoroscopy to CT. Junior Doctors may also find it beneficial in recognising pathology and understanding the benefits and limitations of the test.

Lectures and case reviews by experienced Advanced GI Practitioners, with over 800 cases each and Pg. Cert Qualifications in CTC. Endorsement by the Society of Radiographers as part of ‘CPD now’ has been confirmed.
Course fee: £845 - fee includes evening meals, lunch and refreshments.
(Delegates limited to 6 per course)

For further details and to register please contact:
Stephen Wilson ([email protected]) (01733 673525)

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Registered Charity Number: 1208678
Registered Address: The British Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology,
The Royal College of Radiologists, 63 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3JW