ASKLEPIOS Course on Multidisciplinary Approach to Cancer Imaging

Event Date 10th to 12th Nov 2016

This course is designed for radiologists, radiation-oncologists, surgeons and all others involved or interested in obtaining knowledge on the multidisciplinary management of lung -, liver-, pancreatic- and rectal cancer. The goal is to understand each other’s specialty needs in a multidisciplinary environment. The course aims to provide knowledge on an integrated approach of imaging in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Didactic lectures followed by workshops simulating multidisciplinary tumour boards will cover all aspects of patients’ management. A renowned European multidisciplinary faculty of expert radiologists, surgeons and radiation-oncologists will provide the participants with an in depth knowledge of imaging technology as well as an understanding of how its information can be used for clinical decision making, treatment planning, adaptation and response assessment.

For further details, programme and registration please click here.

Contact details:

ESR Office: Neutorgasse 9, 1010 Vienna, Austria

Tel: +43-1-533 40 64

Fax: +43-1-533 40 64-447



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