AIRP Four Week Radiologic Pathology Correlation Course

Event Date 26th Sep to 21st Oct 2016

The Four Week Radiologic Pathology Correlation Course presents a comprehensive review of radiologic imaging with emphasis on the principles of radiologic-pathologic correlation. Approximately 95 percent of U.S. radiology residents attend the course at some point during their training. Additionally, a large number of radiology residents and fellows from Canada, Spain, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Asia and South America regularly attend the course.

The faculty includes current and former members of the Department of Radiologic Pathology at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) as well as other experts in the field. All imaging modalities are discussed and the lectures cover the radiologic presentation of a broad range of diseases and pathologic basis from all organ systems. Although the course may be beneficial at any stage of training, residents generally attend in their second, third or fourth year, as most lecturers assume that participants have at least some experience with a variety of imaging modalities.

For further detials, programme and registration please click here.

Contact Details:

American Institute for Radiologic Pathology

1010 Wayne Ave, Suite 320 Silver Spring, MD 20910


[email protected]

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