Event Date 26th to 26th May 2016
Hands on live scanning
Small group teaching (max of 12 delegates) will be offered an Outpatient setting. There will be 4 (small groups of 3) ultrasound rooms in use running outpatient scanning in tandem and offering the chance to demonstrate life scanning that will reflect everyday practice.
There is an established Bowel ultrasound service in Portsmouth with referrals for asessment of both new diagnosis Crohn's disease and follow up, RIF pain and screening abdominal scans.
0800-0830 Coffee and Introductory discussion (30 minute workshop format)
0830-1330 Outpatient scanning (up to 60 patients)
1330 Evaluation and close - Lunch available
Cost: £220.00 including VAT, lunch and refreshments
For any queries relating to this event please contact:
Registration, Enquiries & Booking: [email protected]