FRCR 2B Rapid Reporting Course (Red Dot)
Event Date 14th
to 14th Aug 2019
Course Info. Many candidates fail the FRCR 2b on the Rapid Reporting component. This course has been designed to give you tips, hints, strategies and lots of practice for the exam.
- 7 sets on each day - 30 images per set.
- Those who wish to attend on two consecutive days will obtain really good practice on a total of 14 rapid reporting sets.
- Some registrants may also be interested in attending the Advanced Plain CXR Study Day. The course format is based on analysising CXRs at a workstation. This provides excellent FRCR exam CXR experience , being particularly valuable for the Viva part of the exam
Please click here for further details and for registration.
Contact Shelley Brier for more details.