CT Study Day 2019

Event Date 19th to 19th Jan 2019

Rapidology's Study Days for Radiographers, Radiology SpRs and new Radiology Consultants.

Rapidology is delighted to hold the 12th CT Study Day on Saturday 19th January 2019 in collaboration with Guerbet, in the Atrium at the Royal Free Hospital.

The Study Day is aimed at Radiology Consultants, SpRs, and Radiographers with an interest in CT. The programme includes Chest CT, Paediatric Chest CT, Autologous reconstructive CT Imaging, CT of the Neck, PET-CT in neuroendocrine tumours, and CT imaging of Hepatocellular carcinoma. Each lecture is given by an expert in their field. Each lecturer will go through techniques and pathological appearances.

CPD NOW has been granted by The Society of Radiographers. 5 CPD class 1 credits were granted by the Royal College of Radiologists.

The cost of the Study Day is £100. Hot Indian lunch and refreshments were included. There is an early bird offer of £85 for those whose applications received before the 10th December 2018.

Please click here for further information and registration

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Registered Address: The British Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology,
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