Event Date 12th to 13th Dec 2016
This course aims to familiarise fourth and fifth year radiology residents and board-certified radiologists with cutting-edge clinical imaging technology. The two-day course addresses the definition and development of biomarkers, the multivariant and multiparametric analysis of biomarkers and measurement and biasis in imaging biomarkers. Moreover, it will cover the state of the art of imaging biomarkers in different regions of the human body such as in neurological disease, breast tumours, in diffuse liver disease, the pancreas, in femals pelvic disease, prostate cancer and in the musculoskeletal system. A unique group of European faculty members, well-known for their experience in novel imaging biomarkers, will offer top quality didactic lectures followed by clinical impact discussions in small groups.
For further details, programme and registration please click here.
Contact details:
ESR Office: Neutorgasse 9, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43-1-533 40 64
Fax: +43-1-533 40 64-447