Listed here are a number of the Societies related to Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Imaging with which BSGAR has forged links. Please find links to their websites where available.
The BSGAR Liaison Officer, Emma Helbren, [email protected] coordinates liaison between BSGAR and these societies. News from each society which may be of interest to BSGAR members will be distributed via the Members Forum, News section of the BSGAR website and/or twitter
Structured so that the Executive Committee consists of members from countries throughout Europe. ESGAR works to promote radiological and clinical excellence in the field of gastrointestinal and associated abdominal imaging, promoting research, education and international corporation.
The British Society of Urogenital Radiology aims to promote Urogenital Radiology as a speciality and to support education, training and research within this field. BSGAR and BSUR held their inaugural joint meeting in 2019.
Founded to promote and develop the practice of Interventional Radiology,
Run by radiology trainees specifically to promote radiology training and education in the UK.
Supports radiographers with a gastro-intestinal or fluoroscopic imaging interest.
The British Society of Gastroenterology is an organisation focused on the promotion of gastroenterology within the United Kingdom.
The British Association for the Study of the Liver is the National Association for Hepatology. BASL has offered free membership to BSGAR members previously. If you would like to make an enquiry about this please contact [email protected].
The Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain is a group who advance the knowledge and treatment of bowel diseases in Britain and Ireland.
The Association of Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeons works towards improving the delivery, the results and outcomes of conditions of the oesophagus, stomach, duodenum, pancreas, liver and biliary tract requiring surgical treatment.
Worldwide Radiology is aimed at improving health in disadvantaged communities by strengthening imaging through education and support.
The Society of Abdominal Radiology's mission is to advance patient health by the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of abdominal disease through education, research and interdisciplinary collaboration.
The Indian Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radioloyg is a platform for learning and research for those with a special interest in abdominal radiology within India.