Virtual Education Session Case Links

Virtual Education case links will be available a week before and a week after the event.

For those attending sessions please note that it is interactive, and you will be invited to offer answers in response to polls.Therefore, it is recommended that you:

  • Open and review the cases prior to the session starting and familiarise yourself with them.  This will also assist in pacsbin not being overwhelmed and will ensure that you can access the cases during the session.
  • Note case numbers in the title name as this will assist you when you are invited to interact.
  • Have two screens accessible (a mobile phone screen is acceptable) so you can view cases and poll questions/ppt slides concurrently.
  • Choose your browser carefully. You do not need a pacsbin account but the site works best using Chrome or Safari, and Edge is recommend for Windows 10.  Firefox works but you will need to disable ad blockers and pop-up blockers.  Internet Explorer is NOT recommended.

Session 51 - CT Colonography: maximising your polyp detection

9.51.01 Case 1
9.51.02 Case 2
9.51.03 Case 3
9.51.04 Case 4
9.51.05 Case 5
9.51.06 Case 6
9.51.07 Case 7

Session 52 - CT Colonography: maximising your polyp detection

9.52.01 Case 1
9.52.02 Case 2
9.52.03 Case 3
9.52.04 Case 4
9.52.05 Case 5
9.52.06 Case 6
9.52.07 Case 7
9.52.08 Case 8
9.52.09 Case 9
9.52.10 Case 10
9.52.11 Case 11
9.52.12 Case 12 

© Copyright 2025 BSGAR
Registered Charity Number: 1208678
Registered Address: The British Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology,
The Royal College of Radiologists, 63 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3JW