Weekly sessions will be delivered during term time and have been aligned to cover the RCR and ESR curricula for GI/HPB radiology. At the start of each hour long session there will be a 15-minute talk followed by a review of cases using www.pacsbin.com. Attendees will be able to review these cases before, during and after the session. The sessions will be aimed at post 2B level. If you have the option of a two screen setup you may find it useful.
The programme is open to all, free of charge and delegates are not required to be BSGAR members.
The sessions will be arranged in blocks of approximately six topics. Details for each block will be published on the BSGAR website with links to register via Zoom. Scroll down to view programme.
Click on respective links for the session you would like to attend listed in the programme below. If you would like to be notified of future events and/or when recordings of sessions are posted on the website please email [email protected]. Registration links will go live 1-2 weeks prior to the event.
Cases are available a week prior to and a week after the event. If you are attending the live interactive session PLEASE OPEN AND REVIEW CASES PRIOR TO THE EVENT to relieve pressure on PACSbin and to ensure you can access the cases during the session.
A link to an online feedback form will be sent after the session (plus links in the programme below) and we would be extremely grateful if you could give us your feedback to help the programme evolve. Completion of feedback will generate an automatic attendance certificate.
Each session will be recorded and made available for ALL on the BSGAR website for 1 week - please see links below. In addition, recordings will be available for BSGAR members on the CPD video library where CPD certificates can be generated on completion of viewing. If you'd like to become a member please click here for more information.
If you are able to pass on the word... here is the QR code for this page...
Follow @BSGAR_UK for up-to-date notifications or contact [email protected] and request notifications of registrations and recordings going live.
Cycle 2 - see below for links to recordings on the BSGAR CPD video page (members access only)
No | Session title | Speaker |
1.1 | Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC) | Dr Raneem Albazaz, Leeds |
1.2 | Acute Pancreatitis | Dr Ed Godfrey, Cambridge |
1.3 | Chronic Pancreatitis | Dr Ed Godfrey, Cambridge |
1.4 | PNETS and other solid lesions | Dr Brian Stedman, Southampton |
1.5 | Pancreatic Cysts | Dr Jamie Franklin, Bournemouth |
1.6 | Imaging following pancreatic surgery & pancreatic transplant | Dr Sarah Upponi, Cambridge |
Cycle 2 - see below for the links to recordings on the BSGAR CPD video page (members access only)
No | Session title | Speaker |
2.7 | Rectal cancer basics | Dr Vini Bilimoria, Leicester |
2.8 | Anal cancer | Dr Elen Thomson, Leeds |
2.9 | Pararectal lesions | Dr Hannah Lambie, Leeds |
2.10 | Perianal fistula | Dr Andrew Plumb, London |
2.11 | Rectal cancer post treatment response | Dr Katja de Paepe, Boston, USA |
2.12 | Pelvic Floor | Dr Sarah Hudson, Leicester |
2.13 | Rectal cancer exent planning | Dr Liz Ryan, Southampton |
Cycle 2 - see below for the links to recordings on the BSGAR CPD video page (members access only)
No | Session title | Speaker |
3.14 | What about the tubes? | Dr Joe Mullineux, Leicester |
3.15 | How, Why and When to drain. | Dr Chris Clarke, Nottingham |
3.16 | Tissue is the Issue | Dr Hannah Lambie, Leeds |
3.17 | Strategies for Biliary Obstructions | Dr Robert Thomas, London |
3.18 | Essentials of venous access for GI patients | Dr Ian Zealley, Dundee |
3.19 | The art of blockages | Dr Robert Stockwell, Preston |
Cycle 2 - see below for the links to recordings on the BSGAR CPD video page (members access only)
No | Session title | Speaker |
4.20 | MRCP | Dr Ed Godfrey, Cambridge |
4.21 | Benign and malignant gallbladder disease | Dr Jamie Franklin, Bournemouth |
4.22 | Spleen | Dr Carla Goncalves, London |
4.23 | Extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma | Dr Sharan Wadhwani, Birmingham |
4.24a | Cholangiopathy and congenital biliary disease (Part 1) | Dr Hameed Rafiee, Norwich |
4.24b | Cholangiopathy and congenital biliary disease (Part 2) | Dr Hameed Rafiee, Norwich |
4.25 | Endoscopy in biliary disease | Dr Dushyant Shetty, Truro |
Cycle 2 - see below for the links to recordings on the BSGAR CPD video page (members access only)
No | Session title | Speaker |
5.26 | Bariatric Imaging | Dr Hannah Lambie, Leeds |
5.27 | Barium swallow techniques, tips and motility | Dr Carla Goncalves, London |
5.28 | Oesophageal and gastric cancer - staging | Dr Kieran Foley, Cardiff |
5.29 | Oesophageal and gastric emergencies | Dr Rebecca Greenhalgh, London |
5.30 | The role of the interventional radiology in Oesophagogastric cancer | Dr Aidan Shaw, Maidstone |
5.31 | Session 31. Surgical procedures, complications and recurrence | Dr Jamie Franklin, Bournemouth |
Cycle 2 - see below for the links to recordings on the BSGAR CPD video page (members access only)
No | Session title | Speaker |
6.32 | Liver ultrasound including Doppler - vessels and parenchyma | Dr Katy Hickman, Cambridge |
6.33 | Ultrasound: Lesions and contrast enhanced ultrasound of the liver | Dr Ed Godfrey, Cambridge |
6.34 | Liver parenchyma - US, CT and MR | Dr Ed Godfrey, Cambridge |
6.35 | Focal liver lesions: Mimics and how to avoid mistakes | Dr Ivan Carrion, Manchester |
6.36 | Cystic liver lesions | Dr Ed Godfrey, Cambridge |
6.37 | Liver infections | Dr James Black |
Cycle 2 - see below for the links to recordings on the BSGAR CPD video page (members access only)
No | Session title | Speaker |
7.38 | Crohns diagnosis. Imaging techniques incl MRE/CTE and US | Dr Rebecca Greenhalgh, London |
7.39 | Imaging crohn's strictures and treatment assessment | Prof Stuart Taylor, London |
7.40 | Crohns activity and complications | Dr Andrew Plumb, London |
7.41 | Small bowel polyps and tumours | Dr Ed Godfrey, Cambridge |
7.42 | Small bowel emergencies. Obstruction including closed loops. Importance of imaging in virgin abdomen | Dr Chris Clarke, Nottingham |
7.43 | Small bowel emergenceis. Ischaemia including malrotation and internal hernias | Dr Hannah Lambie, Leeds |
ate | Session Title | Speaker |
6th Jan @ 1pm |
8.44 Session 44. Benign Liver Lesions (link to members' CPD video library recording)
S. Dr Katy Hickman, Cambridge
16th Jan @ 1pm |
8.45 Session 45. IHCCa (link to members' CPD video library recording
S. Dr Alessandro Antonello, Birmingham |
Tuesday 21st Jan @ 1pm |
8.46a Rare Liver Tumours (part 1) (link to members' CPD video library recording)
S. Dr Hameed Rafiee, Norwich |
Tuesday 28th Jan @ 12:30pm |
8.46b Rare Liver Tumours (part 2) (link to members' CPD video library recording
S. Dr Hameed Rafiee, Norwich |
Tuesday 11th Feb @ 1pm |
8.46c Rare Liver Tumours (part 3) (link to members' CPD video library recording)
S. Dr Hameed Rafiee, Norwich |
w/b 17th Feb | HALF TERM | |
Wednesday 26th Feb @ 1pm |
8.47 HCC detection and diagnosis (link to members' CPD video library recording)
S. Dr Ed Godfrey, Cambridge |
Thursday 6th March @ 1pm |
8.48 Liver Transplant (link to members' CPD video library recording) | S. Dr Samir Khwaja, Cambridge |
Tuesday 11th March @ 1pm |
8.49 Treatment of, Post treatment HCC (link to members' CPD video library recording) | S. Dr Tim Bryant, Southampton |
Date | Session Title | Speaker |
9.50 **CANCELLED** CRC Imaging. A new date will be published once rescheduled.
Click here to view video from Cycle 1 on the Members CPD video library
S. Dr Damian Tolan, Leeds |
Wednesday 26th March @ 1pm |
9.51 CT colonography: maximising your polyp detection (link to CPD members video library) | C. Dr Li Wong, Edinburgh S. Dr Anu Obaro, London |
Wednesday 2nd April @ 1pm |
9.52 Colonic + appendices emergencies
C. Dr Charles Carder, Gloucester S. Dr Rebecca Greenhalgh, London |
week beginning 7th April | BREAK FOR EASTER | |
week beginning 14th April | BREAK FOR EASTER | |
week beginning 21st April | BREAK FOR EASTER | |
Wednesday 30th April @ 1pm |
9.53 Colorectal Peritoneal Metastases and Pseudomyxoma Peritonei
C. Dr Katy Hickman, Cambridge S. Dr Michelle Dinsey, Basingstoke |
Wednesday 7th May @ 1pm |
9.54 Mesentery (other peritoneal tumours and inflammatory conditions)
S. Dr Ed Godfrey, Cambridge |
week beginning 21st April | BREAK FOR ESGAR | |
![]() Tuesday 20th May @ 1pm |
9.55 Abdominal Wall Recon
C. Dr Emma Helbren, Hull S. Dr Andrew Plumb, London |
No | Session Title | Speaker |
10.57 | HPB Nuclear medicine | S. Dr Mohamed El-Sayed, Birmingham |
10.58 | Spontaneous HPB bleeding | S.Dr Ed Godfrey, Cambridge and Dr Sophie Cheshire, Blackburn |
10.59 | Traumatic injuries of the liver, spleen and pancreas | S.Dr Katy Hickman, Cambridge |
10.60 | Liver metastases, surgical/interventional planning | S.Dr Wing Yan Liu, Coventry |
10.61 | Jaundice | S. Dr Sharan Wadhwani, Birmingham and Dr Jen Braid, Reading |
10.62 | HPB IgG4 related disease | S. Dr Sam Saikia, Newcastle |
Session recordings and case links available via the BSGAR members' CPD video library
No | Session Title | Speaker |
11.63 | Peritoneal Anatomy and Staging | S. Dr Nehal Shah, Basingstoke |
11.64 | Pseudomyxoma Peritoneii | S.Dr Andrew Thower, Basingstoke |
11.65 | Peritoneal Mesothelioma | S.Dr Dipal Patel, Basingstoke |
11.66 | Mesenteric lesions and mimics | S.Dr Oliver Duxbury, Basingstoke |
Session recordings and case links available via the BSGAR members' CPD video library