BSGAR Education Bursary

Applications invited every Autumn.

Autumn 2025 round to open in September 2025.

The BSGAR Executive Committee invite applications for an Education Bursary up to the value of £3000 to further an education or teaching project in GI Radiology. Priority will be given to standalone projects requiring specific funding and with pre-defined, measurable outcomes.  The bursary will be opened in the Autumn of each year.

The expectation is that projects will be designed to benefit as wide a group as possible within GI radiology, rather than solely an individual applicant. Examples meeting this remit would include testing of an educational intervention; generating and testing a new educational resource (or expanding an existing resource) for delivery within a training scheme or nationally/internationally. Preference will be given to projects that benefit UK Radiologists.

Projects should be feasible within these restrictions. Applications by individuals wishing to visit a specific centre (for example, to study a new technique or gain specific skills and expertise) will still be considered, but strong justification for the need to travel must be made. The projects must describe how they will provide benefit to the wider GI radiological community. A smaller award may be granted, at the discretion of the Committee.
How to Apply
The following rules govern the process:

1. The award is available to all Full or Junior BSGAR members of good standing for more than one year. Applications from registrars leading the project, who have been BSGAR members for less than one year, will be considered, providing the main supervisor has been a Full BSGAR member for more than one year.

2. Applications are made electronically to [email protected] by means of:
    a.  an abstract of up to 250 words explaining what the project entails
    b.  a detailed description of the project in no more than 1000 word (see guidance notes below for an explanation of what is required)
    c.  an up to date CV and
    d.  covering letters of support from the applicant’s department and the host department

3. The Bursary will be competitive; applications being evaluated objectively by a BSGAR sub-committee.

4. The Bursary can be used to cover travel and accommodation costs as well as teaching resources, but not computers, salary or any ‘backfill’ costs.

5. Payment will be retrospective, and receipts will be required.  Retrospective applications will be considered but only where the costs were incurred within the last 6 months. Projects must be undertaken, reports/presentations complete and claims submitted within three years of the date of award.

6. The successful applicant will be expected to submit a 500-word report following the project outlining what was achieved, which will be posted on the BSGAR website. A presentation at the annual BSGAR meeting may also be requested.  Awards may be conditional on specific milestones and /or deliverable outcomes, to be determined at the discretion of the Committee.

7. Acknowledgement of BSGAR in any talk, presentation or publication regarding the project is expected.

The BSGAR Executive Committee reserves the right not to make an award if the applications are not of a suitable standard.

BSGAR Education Bursary – Guidance Notes for Applications
These notes are intended to help applicants for the BSGAR Education Bursary to fill out their applications, and detail what information is expected to enable the application to be assessed.
As well as a brief (250 word) summary of the project in the form of an abstract, a more detailed description of up to 1000 words is needed. When writing this, you should structure it in the following way:

1. Aims and Objectives
2. Proposed methods – for teaching projects
3. Learning opportunities – for educational projects
4. Analysis Plan – if applicable
5. Evaluation Plan – for educational projects i.e. how can the education goals be met
6. Breakdown of proposed expenditure
7. Ethical considerations and approvals (if required)
8. Details of other funding sources sought or secured

Finally, applications should include an up to date CV, and confirmation of the agreement of both your department and the host department.

If you have any queries these can be directed to [email protected] and will be answered as soon as possible.

© Copyright 2025 BSGAR
Registered Charity Number: 1208678
Registered Address: The British Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology,
The Royal College of Radiologists, 63 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3JW